Energy Transfer Responds to Chester County District Attorney’s Allegations

Energy Transfer Responds to Chester County District Attorney’s Allegations

We were surprised to learn that Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan believes that there is a legal basis for conducting a criminal investigation into our company and the Mariner East pipelines. We vehemently deny any such wrongdoing, and we take issue with the many factual inaccuracies contained in the district attorney’s press release.

We have worked closely with commonwealth officials and inspectors to respond to citizen concerns as evidenced by the information that is readily available on the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and Department of Environmental Protection websites. We are confident that we have not acted to violate any criminal laws in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and we are committed to aggressively defending ourselves against these baseless allegations.

We look forward to opening a dialogue with the district attorney’s office in the hope that we can bring this matter to an appropriate resolution. The safety of all those who live and work along our pipeline is our first priority, and this project was planned and implemented based on that fact.