Geophysical Work on Mariner… Trust the Experts: Facts Matter

Geophysical Work on Mariner… Trust the Experts: Facts Matter

Misinformation from anti-pipeline groups continues to spread across social media, but Pennsylvanians deserve to know the facts about Mariner East pipeline construction and recent geophysical work in West Whiteland Township, Chester County.

In recent weeks, our crews have grouted several earth features near our bore at Rt. 30 in West Whiteland Township. Earth features in this part of the country are not uncommon and are regularly identified, filled and remediated, as was done here.

Most importantly, there have been no exposures of our pipelines and no risk to the surrounding areas. Our third-party professional geologists (PGs) continue to conduct tests and confirm that it is safe to continue our work in the area.

Time and again, project opponents have distorted the truth, making false claims about the safety of our work and mitigation efforts, as well as the geology of the area. We continue to lean on our third-party experts who are evaluating these sites around the clock.

Further, over the past several weeks, we have communicated closely with state regulators including the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, in addition to the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Each of these agencies has had inspectors and representatives on site on a regular basis to observe our testing and mitigation efforts. We also remain in close daily contact with West Whiteland Township and Chester County officials to keep them updated on our work.

Regardless of widespread misinformation from unyielding activists, the safety of the communities in which we live and work remains our top priority every day – from construction through operations. In this day and age, it’s more important than ever to rely on experts and science, and not on hearsay. Facts matter.